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2022 AGM of Broomfield House Trust

The Broomfield House Trust held its latest AGM on:

Monday March 21st, 2022, at 6.30pm

The meeting was held by Zoom, with the link being circulated in advance.
Draft Minutes are available here:
Draft Minutes of AGM 21 March 2022

See below for Agenda, Minutes of 2021 AGM, Chair's Report and Treasurer's Report.

Minutes of 2021 AGM
Chair's Report
Treasurer's Report

2021 AGM of Broomfield House Trust

The 2021 AGM of The Broomfield House Trust was held on the 14th January 2021 via remote conference. The following reports are supplied below:

AGM 2021 Draft Minutes

AGM 2021 Chair's Report

Cash Book Feb 1 2019 - Jan 31 2020

Cash Book Feb 1 2020 - Jan 31 2021

Broomfield House Trust AGM
Tuesday 5th April 2016 7.30pm-9.30pm

The Broomfield House Trust held its AGM in the Beatrice Newton Room in the Fox Lane United Reform Church complex at 7.30pm on Tuesday April 5th.
Click here for Draft Minutes of the Meeting (PDF).
Click here for the BHT Chair's Report (PDF).

Colin Younger

29 October 2016
Latest News - Community Capacity Building Governance Workshop

In order to bid for the Heritage Enterprise grant, we need to have a plan to manage the restored House and Stableyard.  Enfield arranged a seminar on this governance on 19 October. The presentations can be found at:

These clearly identified the various challenges involved and the Partnership Board will need to consider how to carry this forward. In particular there is a need to involve a wider group with a range of skills in a proposed new management structure.

Colin Younger
Chair, The Broomfield House Trust

Broomfield House Trust AGM: Tuesday 5th April 2016 7.30pm-9.30pm

The Broomfield House Trust held its AGM in the Beatrice Newton Room in the Fox Lane United Reform Church complex at 7.30pm on Tuesday April 5th.

Colin Younger

Friends of Broomfield Park Open Meeting -  8 Feb 2016

The Phase I public consultation on the future of Broomfield House closed on 30th November.

72% of responses supported the idea of a community hub or a heritage, arts and cultural centre. Only 10% of responses favoured the house being used for commercial development, 5% favoured residential development, and 6% of responses opted for demolition.

None of these uses were defined, and perhaps apart from "demolition" it is possible to see overlaps between them. Nevertheless the general sentiment seems clear.

Almost 90% of responses supported the idea that the Council should seek grants to part fund the restoration, and more than 74% wanted the Council to part fund it. 50% of responses supported the idea that the Council should work with a business partner / commercial interests, though almost 26% were against this. Just over half of responses agreed that the Council should look at development within the stable yard, though 27% opposed this. Given the Council’s financial position the second most favoured source of funding is unrealistic, but the other options, in combination, may solve the financing problem. Demolition however remains the default position if no other solution can be found.

Based on the results of the consultation and further work on viability, an agreed short list of options for the future will be subject to public consultation in the spring..

The draft Conservation Management Plan for the whole park, a short summary of which was made available for the consultation, is being revised following comments from, among others, representatives from The Broomfield House Trust and Friends of Broomfield Park. Although focusing on the House and Stableyard, subject to funding this could be also be a blueprint for long term developments in the wider park.

The restoration of the lime tree double avenue was due to begin on 1st February 2016, but poor ground conditions have delayed this. The Enfield Archaeological Society will oversee the excavations of the tree pits, particularly those at the lake end of the Avenue to ensure that any historically significant features can be recorded or preserved as is appropriate.

Colin Younger

Friends of Broomfield Park Open Meeting  13 October 2015

Phase 1 of the public consultation was launched at the Palmers Green Festival. The consultation runs until 30th November and can be found at

The site includes the key findings of the draft Conservation Management Plan (this is pending the amendment of the CMP following feedback from the Trust and Historic England, which is programmed for completion by Christmas). LBE are also promoting the consultation on the Council’s Facebook and Twitter accounts. It’s important to read these key findings.

The Trust is not happy with the reliance on on-line consultation, but LBE is pressing hard with a "digital engagement" programme across all its business, and is reluctant to use hard copy questionnaires which need data inputting by council staff. We also feel that the limited options and lack of a free comment section do not allow residents to register their own ideas about the future of the House and Park. However, Trust members have been encouraged by ideas generated by the consultants on ways ahead. It remains to be seen how these will be reflected in Phase 2.

An LBE consultation event will take place at Morrison’s, Palmers Green on 30th October and 12th November 2015. In addition there are posters advertising the consultation in the borough’s parks and flyers in all the libraries, as well as flyers circulating in the local area too. The Trust has moved the 1950 model of Broomfield House to the Palmers Green Library. When we displayed it in Scrivens’ and Multiyork’s windows it was very successful in generating interest.

The Phase 2 consultation will begin in early 2016. It will include reporting back from Phase 1 and consultation on the emergent options ‘short list’. This is a process recommended by Historic England which we hope will lead to a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund. As ever, any suggestions of how major funding support might be attracted would be welcome.

Colin Younger

Fox Lane District Residents Association Update 11 October 2015

The public consultation on the future of Broomfield House closes on 30 November. The Broomfield House Trust asks all who care about the future of the House to complete the questionnaire at or via

Before doing so, please read the summary of the conservation management plan on the same page which gives some background. Later this year or early next there will be another consultation, this time on two options for the future which will be partly based on responses to this first stage survey. Two options are necessary if we are to go ahead with a bid under the Heritage Lottery Fund Enterprise scheme. This process has been recommended by Historic England.

Colin Younger

Fox Lane District Residents Association Update 27 Sept 2015

Colin Younger said that Enfield had begun a major public consultation on the future of Broomfield House which could be found on the Enfield Council website under "Consultations" or

Few paper copies of the questionnaire had been produced, but help could be sought from the Civic Centre and from the Library. It was important that residents made their views known – this really did seem to be the last chance to resurrect Broomfield House at the heart of the Park and the local community. To make an informed decision, residents should read the draft Conservation Management Plan on the same page of the website. This sets out the key issues.

From the point of view of the Broomfield House Trust, some of the options are unpalatable. We have always accepted that in addition to any lottery funding which we and the Council hope to bid for, some commercial activity will be needed to support the capital and running costs, but the right balance of public use and commercial activity compatible with the park was the key. Too many of the options were negative in our view. Even the demolition option would cost money!

The model of Broomfield House as it was at the time it was bought by the Council in 1902 has been on display at Scrivens Opticians and Multiyork on Green Lanes, and is now in the new Palmers Green Library. If you haven’t seen either, it’s worth a visit. You may be able to answer the questionnaire on line there.

Fox Lane District Residents Association Update 20 May 2015

The revised Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans for the Meadway and Lakes Estate Conservation Areas have now been finalised. They await final approval by Cabinet on 17 June. They will then be available on the LBE website.

The Broomfield House Trustees now have agreement from Enfield Museum staff to repair and refurbish the model of Broomfield House which was made in 1951 by local resident Geoffrey Dyer. The model shows the House as it was before it was acquired by Southgate Council in 1903. It was on display in Broomfield House, but has been in store since the first fire in 1984. Another local resident, Ralph Hutchings, will carry out the work, after which the Trustees hope to be able to put it on display locally. This could be done partly to inform the consultation process on the future of Broomfield House which is to be carried out later this summer by consultants on behalf of the Broomfield House Partnership Board. More about this including a photo of the model can be found at

Friends of Broomfield Park Update  18 May 2015

In addition to the short section in the Annual Report, The Broomfield House Trust website ( gives updated news on progress with plans to rebuild Broomfield House.

Representatives of the Trust and the Friends have met with consultants preparing the Conservation Management Plan – which importantly covers the whole Park – and the Options Appraisal. However we have not been able to meet those preparing the public consultation plan, and we are pressing to meet council officers about the current situation.

More positively we have agreement from the Museum service to hold the model of Broomfield House made in 1951 of the building as it was before it was bought by Southgate Council in 1903. This will be refurbished by local resident Ralph Hutchings and we hope displayed locally as part of our fund raising and publicity programmes.

Friends of Broomfield Park AGM 12 May 2015

The Broomfield House Partnership Board Chaired by Councillor Bambos Charalambous continues to meet. The hope is that the outcome will be a bid for a Heritage Enterprise Grant to rebuild the House and Stableyard and possible lead on to funding for improvements in the wider Park environment.

Donald Insall Associates are overseeing the production of a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for the whole Park (not just the House and Stableyard) and an Options Analysis concentrating on the latter. The Friends and the Broomfield House Trust are represented on the Board, have had separate meetings with the consultants working on these programmes, and given them with our views. The CMP is to be presented to the Board meeting on 25 June.

A public consultation programme should begin in the next month or so. However, although we have made our concerns about the process and timing clear we have so far not had direct contact with the consultants preparing this.

To date therefore we don’t know how any of these elements are shaping up, nor what the likely  impact on the House or Park will be. We are to meet with council officials later this month to find out more.

Colin Younger

Draft for Friends of Broomfield Park Chair's Report  12 May 2015

Enfield Council is following advice from Historic England and the Heritage Lottery Fund and examining the possibility of applying for a Heritage Enterprise grant to assist with the rebuilding of Broomfield House and Stableyard. It has established a Partnership Board to oversee this on which The Broomfield House Trust and the Friends are represented.

As part of the process Donald Insall Associates are preparing a Conservation Management Plan and an Options Analysis which covers the whole Park. Public consultation is expected to begin shortly, though our representatives have expressed concern about how this will be carried out.

It is possible that at a later stage a bid to the may be made to the Lottery Fund/Parks for People programme for improvements to the Park.

BROOMFIELD HOUSE : Briefing at Southgate Green Ward Forum 17 March 2015 and Palmers Green Ward Forum 18 March 2015 produced by LBE

Specialist consultants, Donald Insalls, were appointed in winter 2014 to undertake a Conservation Management Plan and Options Appraisal for Broomfield House, Stable Block and Park. The Conservation Management Plan will inform future management strategy for the house and assist in developing the Options Appraisal.

A Broomfield House Partnership Board has been established and meets on a 6 weekly basis to oversee delivery of the Conservation Management Plan and Options Appraisal. Chaired by the Area Cabinet Member, Board members include the Friends of Broomfield House, English Heritage and Council representatives. The Friends have been active in visiting similar schemes around London and talking to the relevant Trusts who are running them.

The Conservation Management Plan is due to be complete in June 2015, the Options Appraisal then developed sequentially. This being due for completion in November 2015 and will involve public consultation in its development.

In order to inform options for a way forward, the Council commissioned a comprehensive Safety and Condition Survey from specialist heritage structural engineers to assess the stability and integrity of the remaining historic fabric of the House. The resulting Safety and Condition Survey has identified medium term repairs to consolidate the structure for the next 5 years.

An application to English Heritage for a contribution to funds to provide remedial repairs to the supporting scaffold structure has also been submitted.

All of this work will support the submission of an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund under the Heritage Enterprise Program. This scheme requires that local communities and organisations work in partnership with the private sector to bring historic buildings back into productive use.

Work is also underway by the Council’s legal team to identify beneficiaries of the 1903 covenant. It has been identified that should appropriation for planning purposes be decided, a timeframe from March 2016 would seek authority to advertise the intention to make the appropriation.

8. The Lanscroon murals, an important decorative feature of the house, were removed from the house after the last fire and placed in storage at Claverings Industrial Estate, Edmonton. These storage conditions have been reviewed by specialist conservators and amendment to the storage arrangements have been made as a result. Alternative HLF schemes will be discussed at the next Partnership Board with a view that the Friends of Broomfield House may wish to pursue these potential projects in order to repair and exhibit the Lanscroon murals.

Monday 9 February 2015 7.30pm
Friends of Broomfield Park Open Meeting
View PowerPoint Presentation here

Ruth Winston Centre, 190 Green Lanes N13 5UE

Fox Lane District Residents Association Meeting 4 Feb 2015

Broomfield House - 2014

2014 marked the start of a new phase, probably the final one, in attempts to resurrect Broomfield House. A Broomfield House Project Board has been formed, chaired by Councillor Bambos Charalambous bringing together Enfield Council, English Heritage, the Heritage Lottery Fund, and various business advisors and community groups, including the Broomfield House Trust and the Friends of Broomfield.

The process the Board is following is one recommended by English Heritage which has proved itself in dealing with other complex restoration projects such as the much larger Gunnersbury Park. At the start of the year, Enfield commissioned a condition survey of the House and stable block. This reported in the early summer that there was enough of the House’s original structure in a good enough condition to be worth saving, and that the stable block needed relatively little urgent remedial work.

A separate condition survey of the Lanscroon murals (which were salvaged and safeguarded after the first fire) showed that there was enough of the wall section to be restorable, but alas the ceiling remains are too fragmentary to be restorable.

Two major tasks are now underway. The first is to draw up a Conservation Management Plan for the whole of Broomfield Park, the second to draft an Options (for the future) Plan which will concentrate on the House and stable yard but in the context of the whole park. This work is intended to be completed by Donald Insall Associates and team within the next twelve months.

The other key development has been that the Heritage Lottery Fund has directed us to bid for an Enterprise Grant for Broomfield House. This is a relatively new way of funding difficult cases such as ours. Under this the HLF underwrite the "conservation deficit" between the costs of restoration and the value of the asset. This inevitably hinges on a business plan which brings in a degree of commercial involvement in rebuilding and running the House and stable yard. Given the failure to find any other way of funding the programme we cannot see another way ahead at the moment. The Trust and the Friends remain committed to maximising community access to and use of the House and stable yard and ensuring that any commercial activity fits in with the character of the Park. However, how we can meet the needs for capital and income, and what this means for community use will not be clear until the options study phase.

Depending on the outcome of these exercises we hope that improvement of the Park (and perhaps the Stableyard) would be funded from a bid to the Parks for People programme.

During this, as well as involvement on the Project Board, Trust members continued with bilateral meetings with English Heritage and Heritage Lottery Fund staff. We have also been visiting other historic properties and meetings with their staff to better understand the ways that they have managed their projects.

Fox Lane Residents Association AGM 3 Feb 2015

During the last year the Broomfield House Trust and Friends of Broomfield Park have been working with Enfield Council and Historic England in the Broomfield House Project Board chaired by Councillor Bambos Charalambous. This has been exploring a way ahead for Broomfield House and Park potentially leading to a bid for funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund for an Enterprise Grant.

A team of consultants have carried out a major set of surveys and studies which has produced a wealth of up to date data on all aspects of the House, Stableyard and Park. This Conservation Management Plan is still in late draft, but a short summary of it was made available on line to inform the first phase of public consultation, which closed on 30 November. The Trust and Friends were unhappy with the way that the consultation was framed, but we have to say that the outcome has been encouraging from our point of view.

There was a fairly even split between those who supported the idea of a "community hub" and those who favoured use as a heritage, arts and cultural centre. There may not be much real differences between these two, which were supported by over 70% of respondents. The next group who supported commercial development totalled less than 10%, but in practice some degree of "commercial" activity is likely to be necessary in any outcome. How this is viewed might depend on how "commercial" is defined. Is a café "commercial" and to be opposed, or if part of a community hub or an arts centre a solution to be supported?

The studies make a number of recommendations about how the park, particularly the Baroque water gardens, might be restored, but this is a longer term issue.

We are currently looking at working up a number of options for a further round of public consultation, which will probably begin around Easter. It seems likely that the Stableyard will be included in the options for the House, which has always been our favoured position. As always the tension will be between our objectives to maximise public/community use and the need to generate capital for rebuilding and cover any running costs.

If none of the options are judged to be practical, and funding fail to cover capital and running costs then very regrettably demolition may be unavoidable. Lottery tickets anyone?

Colin Younger

9 October 2013
Friends of Broomfield Park Open Meeting

Report to follow

11 September 2013
Fox Lane District Residents Association Meeting

Extract from Minutes:

  • Enfield have appointed an experienced fundraiser - a hopeful step for the house. Colin Younger stated that financial support from charities, in addition to HLF, will be needed for the rebuild. Latest figures suggest building costs of £6.4m, with Enfield contributing £1m and HLF £2m at most. David Burrowes has offered to act as intermediary with the HLF.

12 June 2013
Fox Lane District Residents Association Meeting

Extract from Minutes:

  • The group is still hopeful e and have set up a meeting with the English Heritage Building at Risk Fund about funding for the restoration of the House and stable block. There has recently been filming collecting memories of the house for a promotional film to use for funding appeals. It is expected to be finished in July.

10 April 2013
Fox Lane District Residents Association Meeting

Extract from Minutes:

  • Colin Younger reported that the bid to the Heritage Fund Lottery was good, but the amount asked for was too much. However, at the HFL suggestion, work on a revised bid is continuing, looking at ways of either reducing the scale of the renovation or raising more money from elsewhere. Talks are being held with the Architectural Heritage Fund.

9 March 2013
Enfield Council North Circular Area Action Plan Exhibition

Click here for slide presentation (PDF) by Broomfield House Trustees/FoBP

20 February 2013
Friends of Broomfield Park Open Meeting

Broomfield House HLF Application

  • The letter from the HLF was read out by Laki. The main reasons for rejection are that in a competitive climate for funds, our application was not regarded as good value for money as some others. The HLF were also concerned about long term sustainability

  • Although they rejected our Round 1 application, the door is open for further discussion with the Council and the Working Group (made up of members of FoBP and Trustees of the Broomfield House Trust).

6 February 2013
Fox Lane District Residents Association Meeting

Extract from Minutes:

  • In May 2012 a new phase in the long series of attempts to rebuild Broomfield House started with an invitation from the Council to a group of local residents to discuss the way ahead. A community group, the Broomfield House Working Group (BHWG), came together to respond in a coordinated fashion to the Council’s ideas.

  • In July, a new, joint Council-BHWG pre-application bid drafted by the BHWG was made to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for a comprehensive redevelopment of Broomfield House, the Stable Yard and the historic baroque water gardens. This bid was entirely community focussed and abandoned any proposal for housing. The HLF advised that the bid should be split, with initial priority being given to the rebuilding of Broomfield House.

  • Following more joint work, an outline application for Broomfield House was submitted on 22 October, after the Enfield Cabinet had approved the financial plan. This bid is for an HLF contribution of £4.175m against an overall estimated cost of £6.655m. After taking in to account Enfield’s capital contribution of £0.735m, £1.75m has to be found from voluntary sources. The planned date for re-opening Broomfield House is 2017.

  • Further work has been done to answer questions raised by the HLF Grants Committee, and their response is awaited. In almost all eventualities extensive further work will be needed by both LBE and community volunteers. If this bid is successful the intention is to follow up with a bid for the Stable Yard and Park project, which will also involve the community.

28 January 2013
Annual General Meeting of The Broomfield House Trust

Extract from Minutes:

  • In a discussion of the LBE bid for HLF funding, it was noted that the outcome was due to emerge in the course of the present week.  Consideration needed to be given to a possible TBHT/FoBP press statement when the decision was known.

  • Other points noted included reference to questions raised by LBE/HLF about the % of the House deemed to be "heritage", about the date of the Listing of the House, about landscaping as part of the proposed restoration and about the provision of access by fire engines to the House.

  • In respect of the Stable Yard and gardens, a working party was being formed to prepare a Parks for People funding bid, as an integral part of the community vision for Broomfield. Momentum on this bid must be maintained in the face of a possible loss of focus by LBE

7 November 2012
Fox Lane District Residents Association Meeting

Extract from Minutes:

  • Broomfield House Working Group; Colin Younger reported the much improved relations between the Council and community groups. There has been a meeting with architects to try to finalise the projected layout and use of the rooms in order to maximise possible rental income – vital to maintaining the house – while working with the historic features of the house.

  • An application to the Lottery Heritage Fund was submitted on 22nd October and the outcome may be known in January 2013. The application may have to be resubmitted with changes but if approved work would start in early 2016 and finished in 2017.

  • Rebuilding costs would be in the region of £6.7m, with £735k from LBE, hopefully £4.175m from the HLF, with £1.75m to be found through a fundraising campaign. However if the murals are in a worse state than anticipated the cost may well rise.

  • This will be a huge community effort; 100 volunteers will be needed up to the opening of the house and after that up to 400 volunteers with a very small paid staff.

  • If this is successful then there will be a further appeal to raise funds to work on the stable yard and the park and water garden.

18 October 2012
Bowes, Palmers Green and Southgate Green Area Forum Meeting

Extract from Minutes:
Paul Walker, Assistant Director for Regeneration, Planning and Programme Management gave the following verbal update:

  • On 10 October Cabinet approved a report enabling a bid to be submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund for the restoration and redevelopment of Broomfield House. The Council had also identified £700k of additional funding to put into the project.

  • The bid would be submitted by 22 October and would be the result of joint working between the local community and the Council. A response to the submission was anticipated in January/February 2013. If this was approved, a second stage bid would be submitted 12-18 months after the initial bid; the extended timescale was required as a second stage bid would be considerably more detailed than the first.

  • It was noted that there would be significant competition with other bidders to secure funding and the bid may have to be re-submitted over up to three rounds. However, the Council was hopeful that, due to the condition of the building, the bid would be approved as soon as possible.

It was noted that David Burrowes MP had also expressed his support for the project, which was now progressing following previous funding issues. Members of the community were thanked for their work and vision in assisting the Council in formalising the bid.

17 October 2012
Friends of Broomfield Park Open Meeting

Broomfield House & Stable Yard (CY)
Historic Update:

  • 20/07/12 Community Working Group & LBE submitted joint pre-application to HLF; positive response from HLF received on 25/07/12 advised splitting the bid to ease funding amount required. Focus primarily on a bid for the House and the Murals from the HLF with a second bid for the Stable Yard and Garden submitted to the Parks for People fund. The House bid will inevitably compete at the National level.

  • 15/08/12 meeting at the Civic Centre with recently appointed Paul Walker (PW), Assistant Director, Regeneration, Leisure and Culture for Enfield. First positive liaison with the Council.

  • 27/09/12 Community Working Group/ LBE joint meeting with HLF.

  • Meanwhile a great deal of work continues being put together for a successful bid. Public meetings so far include 24/06/12 and 06/09/12 in the park and 20/09/12 at the RW Centre.

  • Website in the process of being built.

  • Letters of Support from at least 9 local community groups.

  • Money: the bid will be for £6.7m, £4.175m requested from the HLF. LBE/GLA to provide £735k, shortfall for fund raising will therefore be £1.75m.

Round 1 application submitted to HLF 22/10/12, decision will be received in January 2013
Round 2 applications submitted approximately Dec 2013, decision from HLF March 2014
Tender Dec 2014
Contract appointed March 2015
Start on Site April 2015
Practical Completion Oct 2016
Re-Opening Nov 2016

  • General comments include; physical circumstances 5 years too late and that this has been 'a fundamental seismic U turn' on behalf of the council. Also suggestions for realistic funding sources Landfill, Sainsbury Trust, Crowd sourcing, volunteers = match funding.

  • Suggestion as to whether LBE would assist with preparation for Parks for People project by providing a licence to facilitate a garden project to help strengthen bid in August 2013. PW to take this question to the council. Agreed that a vegetable garden in the Stable Yard space would be an excellent way to engage with the community.

  • MP David Burrowes (DB) highlights that majority of fund raising will be raised by the community therefore suggests more should be contributed by LBE (esp. whilst in process of selling off community assets).

20 September 2012
Broomfield House Open Meeting

Here's a link to the Broomfield House & Stable Yard Restoration slide presentation (PDF) made at this meeting.

5 September 2012
Fox Lane District Residents Association Meeting

Extract from Minutes:

  • Broomfield House – There has been considerable progress in recent weeks on the joint community-Council approach to the future of Broomfield House. GLA funding which would have enabled a housing led rebuilding of the House was in the event not forthcoming. The Council then agreed to work with the Broomfield Trust and Friends of Broomfield Park on a community based scheme which, if successful, would result in the House and Stable Yard being available for community use. Initial consultation with the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) led to the original plan being split into two, which will hopefully maximise chances of success by splitting the capital bid into two more manageable portions.

  • A revised architects’ plan for the House was finalised last week; this is now being re-costed, and the draft Stage 1 application to the HLF is nearing completion. On the current timetable these two parts of the project plan will be considered by the Council Cabinet and, if accepted, will go to the HLF London committee in October. If they react favourably, a more detailed Stage II application will be prepared. Work on the bid for the Stable Yard and Park for the Parks for People fund will need to be done in parallel. There are considerable uncertainties and risks involved, but this is likely to be the very last chance for Broomfield House.

3 July 2012
Bowes, Palmers Green and Southgate Green Area Forum Meeting

Extract from Minutes:
Broomfield House

  • Attendees referred to the last meeting of the Area Forum where a request to withdraw the Council proposals for social housing had been put forward. A meeting had subsequently taken place between the Council and representatives of local community groups to discuss alternative proposals.

13 June 2012
Fox Lane District Residents Association Meeting

Extract from Minutes:

  • Broomfield House:  The Council’s proposal for the House involves housing but Community Groups have put together a proposal for the use of the House that does not involve housing; these proposals are being referred to the Heritage Lottery Fund.

16 April 2012
Bowes, Palmers Green and Southgate Green Area Forum Meeting

Extract from Minutes:
Broomfield House:

  • RECEIVED an update from Paul Walker (Assistant Director Regeneration, Planning and Economic Development on Broomfield House.

  • NOTED: In conjunction with Broomfield House Trust and the Friends of Bowes Park, the bid grant to restore Broomfield House to its former glory was submitted. The Heritage Lottery Fund considered the application and although it was recommended for approval by the case officer, a decision letter was received in February advising that HLF would not approve the bid. The Trust and Friends of the Park went to see Heritage Lottery for feedback, and were advised that many bids had been received by the Board with insufficient funds being available to cover all bids. Therefore after 30 years, there is still no money available or clear plan for restoring Broomfield House.

  • The Heritage Lottery Board advised they are prepared to support a future bid for less funding. A revised approach is now being applied to the project which will either cost less or increase external funding. There is currently much work being done with the community in this respect.

4 April 2012
Fox Lane District Residents Association Meeting

Extract from Minutes:

  • Broomfield House – Colin Younger stated that the last two attempts to develop the House from housing sources have failed which leaves the Heritage Lottery Fund as a potential source of finance.

  • Mike Brown and Cllr Del Goddard have agreed to meet representatives of local residents groups, etc, on 8 May and he is still collecting ideas so that a new plan can be drawn up based on Community Use rather than Housing.

5 March 2012
Bowes, Palmers Green and Southgate Green Area Forum Meeting

Extract from Minutes:
Broomfield House:

  • To note the following update on Broomfield House, provided by Mike Brown Head of Heritage & Design.

  • The Council was disappointed to be informed by the GLA in September 2011 that, due to Government cuts in housing grants under its austerity measures, that it did not have the promised £5.47m towards the restoration of Broomfield House, stable block and yard and their conversion to homes for local people together with community facilities and a café within the House.  The proposals have been developed to RIBA Stage D.  Public consultation on the proposals was very supportive with 80% in favour. Since the loss of the funding officers and the Cabinet Member have held a serious of meetings with the GLA and the Mayor of London's Housing Advisor seeking a way forward.  It has been agreed that a composite approach is the most likely to succeed, with the GLA and a development partner working on the housing provision and the Council working with the Heritage Lottery Fund and English Heritage to find a solution for the heritage elements.

  • The Council served a Prior Information Notice under the European Union procurement rules in December and held an exhibition and presentation.  However there was little interest from the development world.  However, one of those in attendance, a Housing Association, has come back with a proposal to pick up the Stage D scheme and seek to realise it.  To that end it has applied for £2m from the GLA under its Empty Homes fund (Councils are barred from applying to this fund) backed with its own funding.  A decision is expected later in March.  This will give us at least half of the required funding for the project.

  • Officers and the Cabinet Member have also met the Heritage Lottery Fund following an invitation from it to look for a solution.  The HLF's published criteria has been discussed with them in some detail and we are developing a programme to target making a Stage 1 bid for consideration by its London Committee in October.   If successful, a Stage 2 bid would then follow.


  • Palmers Green Community Group (an umbrella organisation for Broomfield Residents Association, Fox Lane & District Residents Association, Southgate Green District Civic Trust and Enfield Alliance Against the Cuts) proposed that the current Council proposals for social housing be withdrawn on the grounds that they do not reflect the desires of the local community.

  • Councillor Bambos Charalambous Cabinet Member for Culture, Sport and Leisure expressed disappointment that the GLA had reneged on the £5.47m Broomfield House restoration grant that Mayor Boris Johnson and David Burrowes MP had promised Enfield voters during the 2010 election campaign. The basis of their promise had been that the lack of any possibility of funding the restoration of Broomfield House by itself meant that some form of housing development would be required on-site in the hope that some of the capital associated with this project could be diverted towards a partial restoration of the House.

27 February 2012
Annual General Meeting of The Broomfield House Trust

Extract from Minutes:
Update on Broomfield House

Mike Brown, LBE Joint Acting Head of Planning Policy, Projects and Design, outlined the latest position. Principal points noted included the following:

  • The disappearance of the GLA’s promised £5.64m (victim of the cuts) was a set-back but GLA officers whom he had met together with Cllr Goddard, cabinet member for regeneration, in December 2011 had indicated continuing commitment to refurbishing empty/heritage buildings for housing purposes.

  • Overall costs of the Council’s scheme were c. £8m and a composite approach to funding had been adopted, difficult though it was seen to be. To access GLA funding a development partner  was needed and a housing association had shown renewed interest to the extent of being prepared to put in £2.5m itself and to bid for £2m from the GLA pot. (It was remarked that the development partner would be getting 20 housing units and subsequent returns for a very limited outlay).

  • A meeting with HLF had been held recently. Since HLF was supportive but interested in what other sources were to be tapped, it could be deduced that the funding gap would not be bridged by HLF alone, even though unallocated sums were currently plentiful.

  • HLF criteria were clear: restoring historic buildings, community engagement and educational/learning purposes. HLF was "fairly neutral" on the housing aspect, Mr Brown said, but was concerned about public access to heritage element. Hence a revision of the scheme which would remove the proposed two housing units from the ground floor of the House into the Stable Yard.

  • The Council accordingly wished to develop an activity plan (including a cafe facility) for the House alongside a business plan embracing sustainability (on the lines of Forty Hall).

  • A bid for HLF support had to be in by 25 June with a view to a decision in October; a decision on the housing front was scheduled for mid-late March.

During discussion, the following main points were noted:

  • In response to a complaint that community involvement in the project had been minimal, Mr Brown cited the workshops & exhibition and meetings with the Trust and FoBP during 2011. He also referred to the importance of leadership. This reply brought the suggestion that community representatives should be involved in contacts with the HLF so that a non-housing solution could get a fair hearing.

  • With reference to the proposals from the Palmers GreenCommunity for a non-housing solution and for the urgent need to make the House wind- and weather-proof, Mr Brown indicated that the condition of the building was well known but that there were no funds for securing it in the way suggested (estimated cost of replacing the scaffolding: £150k).

  • Commenting on a reference to the Parks for People scheme, Mr Brown said that funding from that scheme covered landscape and not buildings, whereas HLF had an interest in both.

  • Addressing points raised about preferred alternatives to a housing scheme, Mr Brown said that of the various options explored at stage A, a fully commercial solution stacked up best but was evidently unpopular. Demolition and consolidation was not feasible either, given the House’s listed status. The housing route plus community space did stack up as "least worst" (housing was where the funding pots lay) and it had to be seen in the context of a market-led economy. This hierarchy of options still applied in the absence of the original funding offer from the GLA.  The scheme could not be claimed as commercial since funding would comprise public subsidy for restoring the House and a package of other funds for the other aspects.

  • Reference was made to the expansion of housing along the NCR and with it the even greater need than hitherto for community facilities in the district. There were many examples (e.g. Gunnersbury House) where the local council and the local community had worked together for a common purpose. Why not here? It was suggested that proposals for the Southgate Town Hall site could go some way to meeting the need for community space. It was also said that ultimately the Council would not go ahead with a scheme that was fundamentally unacceptable.

  • Disscussion returned to the alternatives to the housing scheme and the implications of the Localism Act for a community-led solution. Work done on the Council’s proposal would not be wasted – it was the housing element that could be dropped. Mr Brown acknowledged the desirability of all interested parties working together in accord. The Council had to bridge differences and to take the wider view and to pursue a solution that stacked up realistically. He felt that the Localism Act offered an unproven opportunity. What he saw as the prime aim was the restoration of the House and if in the process of achieving that goal the facilitator made a profit, that was not a matter for regret.

AOB – It was agreed (a) to urge the Council to involve the local community in its plans, emphasising the extent of local support for a community solution and (b) to make direct contact with the HLF to set out community aspirations.
DVNM – to be determined.

12 October 2011
Friends of Broomfield Park Open Meeting

Broomfield House – presented by Tony Elliot and Laki Marangos

  • A meeting was held at the Civic Centre on the 6th October, hosted by Cllr Goddard and attended by Mike Brown (BH project Manager), Roger Blows (TBHT), Tony Elliott (FoBP) and Laki Marangos (FoBP) to clarify the present situation regarding funding for the restoration of the House.

13 July 2011
Friends of Broomfield Park Open Meeting

Extract from Minutes:
Broomfield House

  • Following the recent announcement that the GLA are no longer supporting the funding for this project, Tony Elliot recapped on the progression of events in recent months.

  • MP D. Burrowes (DB) confirmed that the current GLA funding stream (TFS) is no longer available though he stressed that Richard Blakeway, Housing Advisor to Boris Johnson, states the Mayor is committed to Broomfield House. DB highlighted two options for moving forward with current state of play:

1. National Empty House Funding, a £100m pot to be shared from the autumn, 2011.
2. Empty Homes Scheme has an under-spend for the North Sub region of £8.6m. As this needs reallocation (and is held by the Boroughs themselves) DB is of the opinion that the Broomfield House project is in a strong position to apply for this funding.

  • DB remarks that the public emailing their council is a simple way to show local support in the LBE placing a bid for such funding.

  • DB also notifies meeting that plans for redeveloping Southgate Town Hall are to be put out for consultation in July 2011.

There was an open discussion on whether any actions are to be taken:
• It was felt there is a need to clarify whether FoBP should concern itself with the Park only, a separate entity from the House.
• On from this, should FoBP become more involved with other local community groups and how cohesive and effective would this be.
• Issues were raised around whether the group lacks a single voice on the issue of the House. Potentially a weak point in terms of consultation and liaising with the council.
• Specific to the on-going issue of 18 units v. 20 units a member of public who works in the housing association sector considers that cafes and public areas are in fact not regarded as a negative by the industry, that it makes no difference to schemes. He therefore concludes the council must be pushing for 20 units for profitability and to reduce their responsibility of care of any public space.
Action: agreed that FoBP (Chair and Secretary) to write to Cllr Del Goddard and Leader of the Council Doug Taylor to set up a meeting to request sight of the Green Issues report (feedback from the recent public consultation exercise) which has so far not been released, the feasibility study and to ascertain what the council anticipate doing next.

11 May 2011
Friends of Broomfield Park Open Meeting

Extract from Minutes:

  • Laki Marangos updates on any news of the House.  Following the consultations taken place in January LM has pushed for further information though received none. He has received no response following his request to see the consultation report. He has been informed by Green Issues, the consultancy firm who carried out the consultation that members of the public have issued a complaint to having 20 units built (rather than the initial 18 units).

  • Following an open floor discussion there is a general opinion that the council are stalling, holding back on providing details. For example, the council’s weblink to this project has never been updated despite prompting. It is suggested and agreed that the council appear to only be pursuing the one option of building 20 units.

  • David March (DM) suggests that the FoBP set up a meeting with the leader of the council. LM agrees to write a letter to Doug Taylor, Leader of Enfield Council requesting a copy of the consultation. If there is no response he will follow up with calls.

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